Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Posted at 8:19 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
GTE - what to study!
Chapter 1: Soil Properties
Calculate various soil properties (void ratio, saturated density etc)
Know how to draw Phase Diagram
Calculate: Total Stress, Pore Water Pressure, Effective Stress
Do Examples 1-7, *6,7,12
Do Tutorials 1-4, 7-9 and common test/quiz questions *4,7,8,9 and common test/quiz
Chapter 2: Permeability
Constant head and falling head tests, determine 'k'
When to use constant head and falling head tests, and why to use them
Calculate horizontal and vertical permeability of soil of different soil layers
Example 1-3
Tutorial 1,3,4
Chapter 3: Compaction
Objectives of compaction of soil
Factors that influence the effectiveness of compaction
Reason for the shape of the curve obtain by Protor test.
Methods of stabilization of soil
Draw Proctor's curve (dry density vs moisture content)
Calculate optimum moisture content and maximum dry density
Calculate relative compaction of soil
ALL Examples and Tutorial questions!
Chapter 4: Shear Strength of Soil
Know how to obtain Coulomb's Equation from results of shear box test
Know how to read the graph of Coulomb's Equation to determine cohesion and friction angle
Know how to obtain Coulomb's Equation from results of triaxial test
Know how to read the graph of Coulomb's Equation to determine cohesion and friction angle
When drawing the graph, use same scale and start from (0, 0)
Advantages and Disadvantages of Shear box and triaxial test
Undertand that the conditions (drained or undrained) during the triaxial test will give different values for cohesion and friction angles of the same soil
Give example for usage of drained shear strength parameters
Give example for usage of undrained shear strength parameters
Explain why there is a difference between drained and undrained tests for clayey soil
Example 1-4
Tutorial 1,3,4,5 and test/quiz questions
Posted at 11:10 AM